Due to insecurity in the country we are not able to take teams to Haiti at this time.
he 12,000 square foot mission house in Guitton serves as a base for groups participating in service projects. SMI provides ministry opportunities for groups and individuals desiring to spend time in Haiti personally ministering to the Haitian people. For more information on the hosting program see the Mission Hosting information sheet.
Interested in bringing a mission team to Haiti?
he 12,000 square foot mission house in Guitton serves as a base for groups participating in service projects. SMI provides ministry opportunities for groups and individuals desiring to spend time in Haiti personally ministering to the Haitian people. For more information on the hosting program see the Mission Hosting information sheet.
Interested in bringing a mission team to Haiti?

SMI has participated in the construction of mission facilities, churches, schools and homes. Construction is currently underway on a new mission facility in Kamitan.

Three hundred students attend the SMI primary school in Guitton. These children also receive meals during the school day. Two hundred students attend the primary school in Kamitan. These students currently receive lunch three times a week. SMI pays for these students to receive books and uniforms and for the teachers and staff at the two school. These expenses are covered by a combination of sponsorships and general donations.
Tuition is paid for seven students to attend secondary school at Reformee in Cepres. These students are in the last two years of their schooling.
Tuition is paid for seven students to attend secondary school at Reformee in Cepres. These students are in the last two years of their schooling.

When teams travel to Haiti with SMI they have the opportunity to minister to youth in a variety of settings including, schools, clubs and sports camps.
While we cannot take teams to Haiti, we continue providing the young boys and girls the opportunity to participate in soccer training. SMI sponsors several tournaments during the year and engage the communities in these events.

Our women's ministry includes prenatal and newborn care education classes at two locations. The class at the local hospital is taught by one of the staff nurses. The class at the Health & Education center in Kamitan is taught by a nurse/midwife. The women receive instruction in nutrition, breast-feeding, childbirth, and infant care.

Regular meals are provided for the primary school children, and the local churches are provided funds to meet critical needs in their communities.

When we are able we take medical and dental teams who work in the local communities. These clinics minister to the physical needs of the Haitian people, many of whom do not have access to heath care or medical facilities.